Devine knowledge does not vanish like the wordly things, 
but it comes with us life after life.
                        Welcome to JainShala, a gateway to gain knowledge of Jainism. Encourage yourself, your friends & family to join JainShala to bring rich culture & peace at home and in the society.
Free-Gift Questions:
                    Based on JainShala study links, members will be emailed once a month a set of questions to answer. Marks will be given for correct answers. Students of the month will be declared to the highest mark gainers and prize will be given to them. Outstanding member throughout the year will be awarded with special prize.
Members can read Monthly Free-Gift Exam Questions & other messages or post own messages at JainShala group page at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JainShala
JainShala study links:
                   The following is a list of JainShala study links to study & find right answers of monthly exam questions:
Jain study guide 1 Famous vegetarians Golden keys for a happy life
Jain study guide 2 Be vegetarian Curelty-free lifestyle
Peacemakers Cruelty with Animals Jainism
Nobel Peace prize winners Abortion What after this life?
    O God...
How to be a member?
                      Membership is free and open to anyone. Just write your email address in the box below and click on the yahoo icon. You will receive an email confirmation. Retrun it simply by clicking 'reply' button and then 'send' button.
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                     Come...gain knowledge...practice it in real life...and turn your life nonviolent, peaceful & happy one.
                      JainShala is looking for the sponsors for it's monthly & yearly prize distibutions to the outstanding students. Interested persons may contact us. All contributions will be tax exempted.
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Bring home our rich culture.